Search Results
Placing a lumen-apposing metal stent despite ascites: feasibility and safety
EUS-CD using a lumen-apposing metal stent in a patient with preexisting duodenal stent and ascites
The new Spaxus fully covered lumen apposing metal stent for necrosectoomy
Endoscopic suturing of a Duodenal Perforation and placement of Lumen Apposing Metal Stent (LAMS).
Removal of migrated plastic stent in a collapsed pseudocyst cavity with placement of a LAMS
Biliary mettalic stent placement
EUS-guided cystesophagostomy using a LAMS for drainage of a pancreatic fluid collection
Lecture | Nordic EUS 2018 | EUS-guided and EUS-assisted drainage procedures | Rastislav Kunda
Treatment of neoplastic afferent limb syndrome by endoscopic gastrojejunostomy with a LAMS
Recanalization of the bile duct by using percutaneous and endoscopic methods after iatrogenic injury
EUS-guided natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery for removal of toothpick in the liver
Iatrogenic perforation during LAMS deployment closed with over-the-scope stent fixation clip device